
Trento, English: Trent, German: Trient, is a bit of an upmarket town in the northeast of Italy. History made it a proud town, with a number of large manors outside of the town, where bishops used to come for holidays. Nowadays it is one of the most expensive towns in Italy, with the wealth from farming, wine, and high-tech industries. At Easter the fields around Trento are in bloom with apple blossoms.

The town centre is more or less a pedestrian area, and walking around the historic centre you can see a number of outdoor frescos on historic buildings. In the past the river Adige flowed right outside the centre where now Torre Verde is.

Apart from the council of Trento, which gathered in Trento in the sixteenth century for many periods of several years, which dominates the town centre, there is one other noteworthy historical event, related to Judaism. A little boy, named Simione, died about five hundred years ago. The event was blamed on the Jews, with stories of Pagan rituals. Fictional scenes are depicted on two plaqettes on via Roma. Therefore all Jewish men were killed, while women and children were expelled. The Jews put a ban on Trento in return. In the 1990's relations between Trento and the Jewish community improved when the Trentini stopped officially honouring Simione as a martyr, and the ban was lifted. A plaquette in a little alley off via Roma commemorates this occasion.